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Bitmap Image  |  1999-02-21  |  738KB  |  475x775  |  16-bit (1,439 colors)
Labels: brass | bulletin board | paper | person | rock | tie
OCR: The Nazi-dominated German pari ament enacted the Nuremberg Laws on September 935 the German city of Nuremberg. These two raciai iaws became the basis for all iater Nazi iegislation against the Jews in Germany and German occupied Europe The first Nuremberg Law known as the "State Citizenship Law, stripped German Jews of their citizenship and turned them into alien residents in their own country and set down strict guidelines for determining who was a Jew who t-oso Sthnein was an Aryan. and who was cochen Mischling The immer! second iaw the "Law for the Protection of German Biood and German Honor forbade marriage between Jewish and non-Jewish Germans, prohibited Jews from empioying German women under the age of 45 and restricted Jews from flying the national flag. pariiament 1935 Germar raci ...